Op/Ed: Lessons from Coatesville

…between all members of a school community. http://chescotimes.com/?p=2787   Solomon Hunter, Esquire, is a graduate of Coatesville Area High School and serves on the board of directors of the Education…


AEDY settlement agreement release 3-26-19 final

…the foster care and juvenile justice systems, children with disabilities, English learners, LGBTQ students, and children experiencing homelessness. For more information, visit elc-pa.org or follow on Twitter @edlawcenterpa. http://www.elc-pa.org/ https://twitter.com/edlawcenterpa…


ELC Elanco Open Letter

…In addition to the legal obligations described above, we urge the committee to consider both the positive impact of affirming transgender students as well as the negative outcomes associated with…


SB 621 Stakeholder Memo – 6-21-19

…charged after students find her loaded gun in bathroom, Public Opinion (Sept. 13, 2016), https://www.publicopiniononline.com/story/news/2016/09/12/teacher-resigns-after-child-finds-her-loaded-gun- school/90280916/ (last accessed Dec. 20, 2018). Confusing Legal Authority about Security Personnel and the Possession…


Our View: Fix state’s broken education system

…step in the right direction, it in no way solves underlying problems. Students aren’t being given a fair opportunity to succeed, they rightly point out. Read the full story: http://cumberlink.com/news/opinion/editorial/our-view-fix-state-s-broken-education-system/article_899ffe28-0c41-11e3-b666-0019bb2963f4.html…


School-funding system ‘broken,’ Pa. judges hear

…to get out of here as soon as possible and get to the Supreme Court,” Brobson said. It is not clear when the court will rule on Wednesday’s arguments. http://mobile.philly.com/news/breaking/?wss=/philly/news/breaking&id=295962701&…


Residency Decision

…insufficient to support the Board’s decision to disenroll the students. While the opinion was originally unreported, the Commonwealth Court subsequently granted ELC’s motion to publish the decision. Spring 2017 http://caselaw.findlaw.com/pa-commonwealth-court/1776970.html…



Education Law Center | www.elc-pa.org | facebook.com/educationlawcenter | @edlawcenterpa EDUCATION LAW CENTER’S STATEMENT OF STUDENT RIGHTS November 2016 The Education Law Center-PA (ELC) is deeply concerned by ongoing racist, homophobic,…


The wheels on the bus are late

…established as a result of the state investigation. For help securing compensatory services for a child’s missed instruction, contact the Education Law Center at 215-238-6970 or go to https://elc-pa.org. http://mobile.philly.com/beta?wss=/philly/news&id=364329951…


The ABCs of school-funding formulas

…School Partnership, a well-funded nonprofit, said the commission “came out with a comprehensive, well-reasoned, and balanced set of recommendations. . . . [The] commission has created the opportunity for a…
