
only local school districts have the power to grant a charter to make a new charter school. Local school districts also decide whether to renew or revoke charters. 2 •…


Opinion: Allow trial on school funding

Alfano ( gja@pietragallo.com), Deborah R. Gross ( dgross@kcr-law.com),and Mary F. Platt ( mplatt@finemanlawfirm.com) respectively serve as chancellor, chancellor-elect, and vice chancellor of the Philadelphia Bar Association. Read more at http://www.philly.com/philly/opinion/20160217_Allow_trial_on_school_funding.html#toWQvMverZC3PaI7.99…


Your Rights Safe in School 8.2017

their public meetings. Your Right to Be Safe in School Education Law Center | www.elc-pa.org | facebook.com/educationlawcenter | @edlawcenterpa BULLYING CHECKLIST Keep Detailed Records  Describe the nature of the…


Your Rights Safe in School 8.2017

their public meetings. Your Right to Be Safe in School Education Law Center | www.elc-pa.org | facebook.com/educationlawcenter | @edlawcenterpa BULLYING CHECKLIST Keep Detailed Records  Describe the nature of the…


Rights of ELLs March 172014 Revised

legal protections and entitlements of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.8 This includes the right to a “Free Appropriate Public 1 http://www.elc-pa.org/ http://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/index.html http://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/index.html http://www.justice.gov/crt/complaint/%23three Education” (FAPE); the right to…


May 14 Call to Action Day

charter schools.  Support a long-term, student-driven, and equitable funding formula that provides adequate resources for every student to be able to meet academic standards. http://www.legis.state.pa.us/cfdocs/legis/home/findyourlegislator/ https://www.facebook.com/EdVotersPA?ref=br_tf mailto:[email protected] http://www.educationvoterspa.org/ http://www.fairfundingpa.org/…


School University Safety Committee Statement on Model MOU

23 Justice Quarterly 462, 473-477 (2006). https://www.aclupa.org/files/5714/2436/0535/2-16-2015_FINAL_64204_ACLU_ONLINE.pdf https://www.aclupa.org/files/5714/2436/0535/2-16-2015_FINAL_64204_ACLU_ONLINE.pdf https://www.aclupa.org/files/5714/2436/0535/2-16-2015_FINAL_64204_ACLU_ONLINE.pdf%22%EF%B7%9FHYPERLINK%20%22https:/www.aclupa.org/files/5714/2436/0535/2-16-2015_FINAL_64204_ACLU_ONLINE.pdf https://www.aclupa.org/files/5714/2436/0535/2-16-2015_FINAL_64204_ACLU_ONLINE.pdf https://www.aclupa.org/files/5714/2436/0535/2-16-2015_FINAL_64204_ACLU_ONLINE.pdf 2 should be limited to criminal offenses that impact school safety. Unfortunately, this is not currently the reality in…


Opinion: Fully and fairly fund our schools

from decisions as to whether students have the resources they need to succeed. This balanced formula would direct money to school districts based on objective factors, such as student enrollment,…
