Opinion: Education is more than ‘keeping the doors open’

…hope the Commonwealth Court decides to hear the case. Otherwise, Pennsylvania’s public schools may soon become warehouses for our children. But, hey, at least the doors will be open. http://www.chestnuthilllocal.com/2015/03/25/education-is-more-than-keeping-the-doors-open/…


At symposium, a call for state education funding formula

…would have received $360 million more in state aid this year and would not be in a fiscal crisis now, an expert said Wednesday. Read the full story: http://www.philly.com/philly/education/20131010_At_symposium__a_call_for_more_state_education_funding.html  …


Action Item: Attorney Action Day for Education

…our schools. WHO: Leading Philadelphia Attorneys WHAT: Take Action on School Funding WHERE: Outside City Hall, North Broad Street entrance WHEN: Thursday, April 24, 11:45 a.m. RSVP today! http://www.eventbrite.com/e/lawyers-day-of-action-for-education-tickets-8171817125  …


A criminalized school climate is the wrong path

…of advocating for increased court referrals, local judges should be pushing for smart school climate reforms that dismantle the school-to-prison pipeline while making schools safer. Read the complete letter: http://www.post-gazette.com/opinion/letters/2013/11/21/A-criminalized-school-climate-is-the-wrong-path/stories/201311210127…


School funding lawsuit hinges on whether court will hear it

…that they have in the past been reluctant to comply with orders for funding courts doesn’t mean they will not comply with these orders.” Staff writer Christian Alexandersen contributed. http://www.pennlive.com/politics/index.ssf/2015/03/school_funding_lawsuit_hinges.html…


AEDY settlement agreement release 3-26-19 final

…programs were students with disabilities, compared to a 16 percent special education population statewide. African American students comprised 35 percent of the students placed into alternative education programs, yet only…


Commonwealth Court weighs fate of Pennsylvania school funding lawsuit

…he hopes the courts take up the case. “The system of funding for our public schools is broken,” he said. “We need to fix that as soon as possible.” http://www.post-gazette.com/news/education/2015/03/12/Commonwealth-Court-judges-weighing-Pennsylvania-s-districts-education-funding-clash/stories/201503120063…


Education cuts: Some districts take an unfair hit in Corbett budget

…By Patriot-News Editorial Board – At school board meetings across Pennsylvania, the ramifications of Gov. Tom Corbett’s proposed public education budget cuts are sinking in. Read the full story: http://www.pennlive.com/editorials/index.ssf/2011/04/education_cuts_some_districts.html…


Letter: It’s time Pa. gave schools their fair share

…a reality, the state must adopt a school-funding formula that ensures that individual school districts receive the resources they need to properly educate our children. Read the full story: http://www.philly.com/philly/education/20131101_It_s_time_Pa__gave_schools_their_fair_share.html…


Class project: The city schools’ conduct code is due for a rewrite

…Others are serious enough to refer to the legal system. But the Pittsburgh Public Schools’ Code of Student Conduct hardly seems to know the difference. Read the full story: http://www.post-gazette.com/editorials/2013/06/22/Class-project-The-city-schools-conduct-code-is-due-for-a-rewrite/stories/201306220114…


March 7 2018 – press release

…court March 7 Commonwealth Court to hear oral argument en banc in Philadelphia Philadelphia, Pa . – Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court will hear oral arguments next Wednesday in a landmark lawsuit…


PA Foster Alum Support HB 1745 Oct 11, 2018

Connecting Today … Transforming Tomorrow www.fostercarealumni.org Corporate Headquarters: 5810 Kingstowne Center Dr. Suite 120-730 Alexandria, VA 22315 Phone: 703-299-6767 Toll Free: 888-ALUMNI-(0) October 11, 2018 Dear Members of the Pennsylvania…
