Release Sp Ed Letter to Governor 1-2019

substantial expansion of early childhood education programs and infant, toddler, and preschool Early Intervention programs. Finally, it asks Gov. Wolf to call on the General Assembly to ensure that all…


tamaqua policy on guns

…strict security measures. To improve safety, we must use scarce school resources to invest in evidence-based programs that build a nurturing school environment and positive school culture – engaging students…


Inclusive Schools and Honest Education

Us:   ELC provides information, referrals, legal advice, training, and advocacy for families, youth, caseworkers, attorneys, judges, community members, etc. statewide. Contact ELC through our Helpline. We provide information and representation…



ELC’s Helpline ELC provides information, referrals, legal advice, and advocacy to families, youth, caseworkers, attorneys, judges, community members, etc. statewide through its Helpline. We provide this service free of charge….


Ways to Give

…LAW CENTER-PA?Please contact Ariella Gregson, Development Specialist, at [email protected] Please note: The information on this website is not intended as legal or tax advice. For such advice, please consult an…



…home. Investigators’ report was introduced as evidence.8 The report revealed that a search performed “through proprietary investigative web sites” showed five potential addresses for Mother, one of which was the…


Glen Mills Class Action Press Release

…in Delaware County. This site, the oldest reform school in the country, housed as many as 1,000 boys from all over the country – and the world – at one…



effective teachers, up-to-date books and technology, adequate course offerings, and suitable facilities. These children will therefore remain unable to meet state academic standards and will grow up without the high-quality…



…Opposition to Respondents’ Preliminary Objections Downplay or Misconstrue Binding Precedent………………………..2 B. The Pennsylvania Cases Upon Which Petitioners and Amici Rely For Their Argument That This Case Is Justiciable Are Inapposite……….5…


Press release_FINAL

…visit one. The harm caused is obvious: crumbling buildings, overcrowded classes, and a lack of technology that does not befit the dignity of the children of this Commonwealth,” said Dan…


ELC Testimony re PPS LEP Policy 12.17.18

…environment. Policy 1012.1 is a proposed policy meant to foster effective engagement with limited English proficient parents and students. This policy builds on the English Learner Working Group Recommendations that…


May 14 Call to Action Day

Participating is as easy as 1, 2, 3! 1. Click HERE or Google “Find Your Legislator PA” to look up your legislators’ contact info. Write their info below: Representative: Senator:…
