ELC Analysis Youth Voices Count 2017 FINAL

…to homelessness. Nationally, 25% of unaccompanied youth reported prior familial homelessness, and one-third had faced the death of a https://www.glsen.org/sites/default/files/2015%20National%20GLSEN%202015%20National%20School%20Climate%20Survey%20%28NSCS%29%20-%20Full%20Report_0.pdf https://www.glsen.org/sites/default/files/2015%20National%20GLSEN%202015%20National%20School%20Climate%20Survey%20%28NSCS%29%20-%20Full%20Report_0.pdf Voices of Youth Count: Missed Educational Opportunities 2 caregiver…



state, school district, and school level. The Campaign further recommends that PDE be given sufficient resources to implement the accountability system, including the resources and tools necessary to support schools’…


Your Rights Immigrant EL 8.2017

From Bullying & Harassment in School • Your school cannot discriminate against you based on your race, color, national origin, or religion.7 • Schools must investigate and respond appropriately to…


Your Rights Immigrant EL 8.2017

From Bullying & Harassment in School • Your school cannot discriminate against you based on your race, color, national origin, or religion.7 • Schools must investigate and respond appropriately to…



school districts. • Skimming cyber charter school tuition off the top before school district authorizers receive state revenues. The Senate bill implements a “State Opportunity Schools” program in Philadelphia that:…



…Draft would direct existing Title I dollars away from higher-poverty districts and schools towards lower-poverty districts and schools. Title I funding should NOT be made portable. Such a proposal undermines…


School-funding suit headed for highest Pa. court

May 20, 2015 – Kristen A. Graham, The Philadelphia Inquirer – Contending that Pennsylvania’s method of school funding is broken, lawyers representing a group of parents, school districts, and statewide…
