
…accurate, comprehensive and non-discriminatory evaluation of the child. Special Education (IEP) Eligibility (2-part test) • Intellectual disability/mental retardation • Developmental delays • Hearing impairments • Speech or language impairments •…


Application for Relief

…Court stated that it will “defer ruling on the [Mootness Application], pending further development of the issue by the parties.” 5. The Court also established the following schedule: Petitioners may…


Maura- – Legal Director

…i s an exci t ing newMaura’s appointment i s an exci t ing new development as we continue to grow our work. Shedevelopment as we continue to grow our…


ELC Public Testimony PPS 02-20-2017

…environment, especially at critical developmental stages. It’s little surprise that we continue to struggle to close the racial achievement gap when we look at how frequently young students of color…



…education services cannot be redressed post-trial due to the rate at which a child develops and changes, causing harm to a child’s educational development); L.R. v. Steelton-Highspire Sch. Dist., No….



…general office management and administration, coordination, and contributions to program implementation, communication, and development strategies and other administrative support for three full time attorneys. The Program Administrative Coordinator is a…


The Comeback of Charters

…way to compare charters that has been lacking so far. And Kagan says PCE plans to convene disparate PCE members for more directed professional development, discussion of best practices and…


Every Student Every Day Response

…the country. Led by the White House, U.S. Departments of Education (ED), Health and Human Services (HHS), Housing and Urban Development (HUD), and Justice (DOJ), the Every Student, Every Day…
