2019 J.L. amicus – residential placement based purely on truancy

…Absences, THE NEW REPUBLIC (Mar. 6, 2015), https://newrepublic.com/article/121186/truancy-laws- unfairly-attack-poor-children-and-parents …………………………………………………. 18 DEBORAH FOWLER ET. AL., TEXAS APPLESEED, CLASS, NOT COURT: RECONSIDERING TEXAS’ CRIMINALIZATION OF TRUANCY 14 (2015), https://www.texasappleseed.org/sites/default/files/TruancyReport_ All_FINAL_SinglePages.pdf ……………………………………………………………..passim…


McKeesport FINAL COMPLAINT 10 14

…room; in contrast, the District’s regular education classrooms are typically grouped by grade and instruction level. 25. The instructional program provided to C.K. in the Auberle-student classroom is more limited…


Three NEPA schools challenge funding

…to a peak of $28,400 per pupil, advocates said. “We have a problem here in Pennsylvania,” said Maura McInerney, attorney with the Education Law Center-PA. “We have hundreds of thousands…



…a student with a disability pursuant to the IDEA. He attends both the regular high school and the Career Institute of Technology in the Electrical Construction Technology Program and is…


Philadelphia weighs in on school funding suit

…Pennsylvania Association of Rural and Small Schools. The parties claim the state has a school funding system that “does not deliver the essential resources students need and discriminates against children…


18-08-03 Scarnati Response

…it overruled “without prejudice, preliminary objections concerning the nature of the constitutional rights at issue and the corresponding level of judicial scrutiny to be applied.” It also deferred ruling on…


Governor Brief

…education in Pennsylvania violates the state Constitution. The Petitioners are six school districts, the Pennsylvania Association of Rural and Small Schools, several parents of school-age children, and the Pennsylvania State…


ELC Bullying OCR Complaint redacted

…Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act (“Section 504”), schools reflexively refer students and their families to Truancy Court—resulting in additional lost instruction time. Not only is the referral to Truancy…
