
…in Priority Area Three: Stopping the School-to-Prison Pipeline 1 Reduce exclusionary discipline practices in both regular and charter schools. These include suspensions, expulsions, transfers to disciplinary alternative schools, and school-based…


18-1-25 Bd of Ed in Support of POs

Equal Protection Clause, and to cease implementing a school-funding arrangement that does not assure that adequate, necessary and sufficient funds are available to school districts to provide their students with…


Your Rights Immigrant EL 8.2017

Call your school district’s bullying hotline.  Write a letter to your school board and/or speak at a board meeting. What Should You Do If Your Rights Are Violated •…


Your Rights Immigrant EL 8.2017

Call your school district’s bullying hotline.  Write a letter to your school board and/or speak at a board meeting. What Should You Do If Your Rights Are Violated •…


SRC Testimony ELL Students 03-2017

District should examine policies and practices that hinder equal access for parents and students such as the use of an on-line school selection process for accessing high schools, School Advisory…


Pennsylvania School Climate Coalition

school. PaSCC works to ensure that schools have a positive school climate as opposed to a negative one characterized by an over-reliance on exclusionary policies (expulsions, suspensions, transfers, use of…
