ELC Joins New School Funding Campaign

Aug. 28, 2014 – The Education Law Center has joined a statewide coalition of more than 40 organizations representing educators, business and labor leaders, faith-based organizations, civic and child advocacy…



Pa Funding Lawsuit edfundinglawsuit.wordpress.com November 10, 2014 Executive Summary Lawsuit: Pennsylvania School Funding Unconstitutional Six school districts from across the Commonwealth, an association of 150 rural and small schools, as…


Three NEPA schools challenge funding

…the Education Law Center-PA are representing the petitioners. The plaintiffs include the Pennsylvania Association of Rural and Small Schools, which represents 150 school districts, and the NAACP Pennsylvania State Conference….


School advocates sue Pennsylvania over funding

…the Pennsylvania Association of Rural and Small Schools and the NAACP are the plaintiffs in the lawsuit filed in state Commonwealth Court by Clark’s organization and the Philadelphia-based Education Law…


ELC Testimony on Senate Bill 6

…90 are schools that are already under state operation in some form. Eighty-two are from school districts in Philadelphia, York City, Chester-Upland, Harrisburg, or Duquesne City, which all have either…


ELC Public Testimony PPS 02-20-2017

February 20, 2017 Pittsburgh Public Schools Board of Directors 341 S. Bellefield Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15213 Re: Education Law Center Public Testimony On behalf of the Education Law Center and…


Residency Decision

the parent. This ruling instructs school districts for the first time that a parent’s burden of proof in the residency context is to provide the same documentary evidence that would…
