
…anticipate the level of state support and make appropriate long-term plans? Pennsylvania has not had a stable funding system since 2008, 2009, and 2010. Both prior to and after this…


Special Education Funding Commission Report

The Special Education Funding Commission held public hearings throughout the state in 2013, receiving testimony from dozens of witnesses. Students, parents, educators, and national experts uniformly emphasized the long-term impact…


Release Sp Ed Letter to Governor 1-2019

…scheduled to give his annual budget address on Feb. 5. “In Gov. Wolf’s second term, the people of Pennsylvania expect him to deliver on his campaign promise to invest in…


ELC Kicks Off New School Funding Campaign

…predictable, sustainable and long-term solution to funding its public schools. Cheryl Kleiman, staff attorney for the Education Law Center, is working with the campaign to engage Western Pennsylvania organizations and…


Amici Brief: PCCY et al

…ARGUMENT ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 6 I. THE PETITIONERS’ CLAIMS ARE JUSTICIABLE ………………….. 6 A. The General Assembly Has Enacted Substantive Education Standards for Determining Whether the Commonwealth Has Fulfilled its Constitutional Duties…


SB 621 Stakeholder Memo – 6-21-19

…Pennsylvania Senate and been approved by the House Education Committee. Dangerously Increasing the Presence of Guns in Schools The federal Gun-Free School Zones Act, 18 U.S.C. § 992(q) et al.,…


ELC Elanco Open Letter

…of transgender students to be free from discrimination and to be affirmed in their gender identities in public schools.1 The Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission (PHRC) recently clarified that, while not…



…charge a fee for its services? No. All of ELC’s services are free of charge. What happens when I call or e-mail ELC? You’ll be asked to leave a message…



…decision was made by the District and that http://www.education.state.pa.us/portal/server.pt/community/basic_education_circulars/7497 http://www.education.state.pa.us/portal/server.pt/community/basic_education_circulars/7497 6 his only role was to provide technical assistance and not to make final legal determinations. Therefore, because the District…
