
…LLP EDUCATION LAW CENTER Times Square Tower 1315 Walnut Street, Suite 400 7 Times Square Philadelphia, PA 19107 New York, NY 10036 Counsel for Petitioner Counsel for Petitioner Patrick M….



…be published in the following publications and/or through the following websites: Tribune Review; McKeesport Daily News; when possible the following publications and/or websites: Pennsylvania Bar Association and Children’s Rights Committee…


Philadelphia’s shift in discipline policy

…“new direction” came out of a years-long battle about zero-tolerance practices. The latest round began in the fall of 2008, when incoming District Superintendent Ackerman announced a shift in policy…


18-08-03 Wolf Answer to Mootness Application

…Protection Clause. 4 After hearing argument, this Court overruled, without prejudice, the preliminary objections regarding the nature of the constitutional rights at issue and the level of scrutiny to be…


Concerns raised about law replacing No Child Left Behind

…and no predictability about what available resources will look like year to year in the future, it’s pretty hard to engage in serious planning,” Mr. Cowell said.   http://www.post-gazette.com/news/education/2016/01/10/Education-advocates-worry-about-lack-of-federal-oversight-for-schools/stories/201601060194  …
