ELC Joins New School Funding Campaign

PA Ass’n of Elementary & Secondary School Principals (PAESSP) PA Ass’n of School Business Officials (PASBO) PA Ass’n of School Administrators (PASA) PA Ass’n of Rural and Small Schools (PARSS)…



successfully transition to their community schools. Improve Educational Outcomes for Children Experiencing Homelessness. The ECRCCA Discussion Draft does not address the unique challenges faced by students experiencing homelessness. ELC encourages…



expulsions, and arrests of students. As a result, large numbers of youth are pushed out of school and into the juvenile and criminal justice systems. These policies and practices also…



all students in Pennsylvania – especially in the face of an administration that is refusing to enforce them.” Read our December 18, 2018 statement on the discipline guidance here. https://www.elc-pa.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/Statement-on-School-Safety-Commission-Recommendation-to-Rescind-Federal-Discipline-Guidance.pdf…


ELC Testimony re PPS LEP Policy 12.17.18

We work with local, state, and national groups to ensure that schools and districts are providing the resources and supports immigrant and refugee students need to succeed in the educational…


Ensuring Equal Access

systemic racism and discrimination. Some examples of the issues we address include: unfair residency rules that disproportionately harm children experiencing homelessness and those in foster care; refusals to support and…


2019 School Code Bill – Letter to Governor

Violence 5 (September 2015), https://www.ojjdp.gov/pubs/248547.pdf?ed2f26df2d9c416fbddddd2330a778c6=nnxrpdoznnzubdzrr&utm_source=y outh.gov&utm_medium=federal-links&utm_campaign=reports-and-resources. We also urge you to reject legislation, currently billed as HB 357, that would constrain authorizers’ ability to hold charter schools accountable for equitably,…


SB 621 Stakeholder Memo – 6-21-19

and Mitigate School Shootings: Assumptions, Readiness, and Contrast to Law Enforcement Officers Involved in Encounters with Armed Assailants 8 (unpublished manuscript), available at https://kycss.org/pdfs-docs/Arming%20Teachers%20to%20Mitigate%20School%20Shoo tings%20- %204-2013.docx. 3 B. Metrick, Teacher…


Help Make PA Schools More Supportive of Immigrant, Refugee Families

15, 2021. Welcoming Schools Campaign Student Surveys English: http://bit.ly/Student-WSC-English Spanish: http://bit.ly/Student-WSC-Spanish Mandarin Chinese: http://bit.ly/Student-WSC-Chinese Vietnamese: http://bit.ly/Student-WSC-Vietnamese Arabic: http://bit.ly/Student-WSC-Arabic Haitian Creole: http://bit.ly/Student-WSC-HaitianCreole Somali: http://bit.ly/Student-WSC-Somali Welcoming Schools Campaign Parent Surveys English: http://bit.ly/Parent-WSC-English Spanish: http://bit.ly/Parent-WSC-Spanish Mandarin Chinese: http://bit.ly/Parent-WSC-Chinese Vietnamese: http://bit.ly/Parent-WSC-Vietnamese Arabic: http://bit.ly/Parent-WSC-Arabic Haitian Creole: http://bit.ly/Parent-WSC-HaitianCreole Somali: http://bit.ly/Parent-WSC-Somali…


J.S. v. Manheim Township School District

Township School District. The brief stressed the importance of maintaining critical due process protections in PA school discipline proceedings, especially for Black girls, students with disabilities, and LGBTQ students. This…


Join ELC’s Day of Legislative Action

supports. Sign our letter of support for S.B. 324 using our sign on form. For more information, please see our factsheet or the Bill’s text.  CALL YOUR STATE SENATORS ! Tell your legislator that you support S.B. 324. Your…
