Rights of ELLs March 172014 Revised

§ 300.322(e) and (f); 34 CFR§ 300.503(c)(1)(ii). 2 Right to Attend School Right to Be Free From Bullying & Harassment in School Rights of English Language Learners (ELLs) in School


Ex. C to Complaint

…a portion of that time was spent in a District school that became a charter school. It is not clear exactly when T.R. started attending the charter school, but T.R….


SRC Testimony ELL Students 03-2017

District should examine policies and practices that hinder equal access for parents and students such as the use of an on-line school selection process for accessing high schools, School Advisory…


Press release_FINAL

a resolution.” “We are pleased that the Governor is standing with Pennsylvania’s school children who have languished in underfunded schools for far too long,” said Maura McInerney, Legal Director of…


18-08-03 Wolf Answer to Mootness Application

education in Pennsylvania violates the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The Petitioners are six school districts, the Pennsylvania Association of Rural and Small Schools, several parents of school-age children,…
