
…Youth, and the Public Interest Law Center filed an amicus brief today in support of the Tamaqua Education Association’s challenge to the Tamaqua Area School District’s new policy to arm…


ELC Kicks Off New School Funding Campaign

Oct. 6, 2014 – The Education Law Center, along with more than 40 other organizations, today launched a new campaign for fair education funding for all of Pennsylvania’s K-12 public…


18-08-03 Wolf Answer to Mootness Application

…Protection Clause. 4 After hearing argument, this Court overruled, without prejudice, the preliminary objections regarding the nature of the constitutional rights at issue and the level of scrutiny to be…



Pa Funding Lawsuit edfundinglawsuit.wordpress.com November 10, 2014 Executive Summary Lawsuit: Pennsylvania School Funding Unconstitutional Six school districts from across the Commonwealth, an association of 150 rural and small schools, as…



…needs came in a brief and affidavits filed in the case today by attorneys from the Education Law Center, the Public Interest Law Center, and O’Melveny & Myers LLP, refuting…


Suspension policy press release 6-21-18

…Commission today in its final meeting formally adopted an important change in the School District’s student conduct and discipline policy, extending the existing ban on out-of-school suspensions of kindergartners to…


PA budget press release 6-22-18

…the Education Law Center, released the following statement today in response to the Pennsylvania General Assembly’s proposed 2018‐19 state budget: The Pennsylvania General Assembly has sent Governor Tom Wolf a…


budget release

February 6, 2018 Statement on Governor Wolf’s Budget Address Deborah Gordon Klehr, executive director of the Education Law Center, issued this statement following Governor Tom Wolf’s budget address today: “We…


20170920 Updated Memo in Opposition to HB 1717

…placed multiple former staffers at the Devos-led Department of Education. See Alyson Klein, Former Jeb Bush Foundation Staffers Working at Trump’s Ed. Dept., Education Week, Mar. 9, 2017, http://blogs.edweek.org/edweek/campaign-k- 12/2017/03/jeb_bush_foundation_staffers_trump_education_department.html;…


ELC Charter Letter Feb 2018

February 15, 2018 To the members of the School Reform Commission, The Education Law Center is a nonprofit legal advocacy organization dedicated to ensuring that all Pennsylvania’s children have access…
