Opinion: Education is more than ‘keeping the doors open’

…hope the Commonwealth Court decides to hear the case. Otherwise, Pennsylvania’s public schools may soon become warehouses for our children. But, hey, at least the doors will be open. http://www.chestnuthilllocal.com/2015/03/25/education-is-more-than-keeping-the-doors-open/…


Battle over fairness of state education funding heads to Supreme Court

…that the legislature complies with its constitutional duty to provide a thorough and efficient system of public education. Pennsylvania’s public school students are entitled to their day in court.” http://www.pennlive.com/midstate/index.ssf/2015/05/battle_over_fairness_of_state.html…


Commonwealth Court weighs fate of Pennsylvania school funding lawsuit

…he hopes the courts take up the case. “The system of funding for our public schools is broken,” he said. “We need to fix that as soon as possible.” http://www.post-gazette.com/news/education/2015/03/12/Commonwealth-Court-judges-weighing-Pennsylvania-s-districts-education-funding-clash/stories/201503120063…


Education cuts: Some districts take an unfair hit in Corbett budget

…By Patriot-News Editorial Board – At school board meetings across Pennsylvania, the ramifications of Gov. Tom Corbett’s proposed public education budget cuts are sinking in. Read the full story: http://www.pennlive.com/editorials/index.ssf/2011/04/education_cuts_some_districts.html…



…students from sex-segregated facilities. 2. Cisgender students’ discomfort with the presence of their transgender peers does not create a claim of Title IX harassment. The complainant’s claim that, under Title…


A criminalized school climate is the wrong path

…of advocating for increased court referrals, local judges should be pushing for smart school climate reforms that dismantle the school-to-prison pipeline while making schools safer. Read the complete letter: http://www.post-gazette.com/opinion/letters/2013/11/21/A-criminalized-school-climate-is-the-wrong-path/stories/201311210127…


Class project: The city schools’ conduct code is due for a rewrite

…Others are serious enough to refer to the legal system. But the Pittsburgh Public Schools’ Code of Student Conduct hardly seems to know the difference. Read the full story: http://www.post-gazette.com/editorials/2013/06/22/Class-project-The-city-schools-conduct-code-is-due-for-a-rewrite/stories/201306220114…


We must address disparities in school discipline and decrease suspensions

…the disparities in school discipline and decreasing the use of suspensions overall, neither of these worthy goals can be achieved. NANCY E. POTTER Staff Attorney Education Law Center Downtown http://www.post-gazette.com/opinion/letters/2015/03/04/We-must-address-disparities-in-school-discipline-and-decrease-suspensions/stories/201503040148…


Letter: It’s time Pa. gave schools their fair share

…a reality, the state must adopt a school-funding formula that ensures that individual school districts receive the resources they need to properly educate our children. Read the full story: http://www.philly.com/philly/education/20131101_It_s_time_Pa__gave_schools_their_fair_share.html…


En Español

…Lehigh Ave., Suite 400 Philadelphia, PA 19133 (215) 425-6203 http://www.huneinc.org/ Parents Involved Network Mental Health Association of Southeastern Pennsylvania 1211 Chestnut St. Philadelphia, PA 19107 (215) 751-1800 (800) 688-4226 http://www.pinofpa.org/…


budget press release 2019

…ELC welcomes the proposed increases for Pre-K Counts, Head Start, and Early Intervention, which will allow additional children to receive essential services. “While we appreciate these steps forward, the state’s…


ELC Testimony to the Basic Education Funding Commission

…the evidence, 8, Aug. 15, 2014 [2] See http://www.portal.state.pa.us/portal/server.pt/community/news_and_media/7234/p/1237291 [3] See American Institutes for Research, Educational equity, adequacy, and equal opportunity in the Commonwealth: An Evaluation of Pennsylvania’s School Finance…
