School Funding Lawsuit Advances

state legislative leaders and moved our school funding lawsuit closer to trial. Read about the Court’s decision and our next steps for resolving underfunding and gross inequalities in Pennsylvania’s schools….


Suspension policy press release 6-21-18

through school despite the fact that Black and Latino students are no more likely to violate school rules than their White peers. “Out-of-school suspensions are developmentally inappropriate for our youngest…


Every Student Every Day Response

we know that school attendance is a critical issue facing young people and families across the Commonwealth, particularly in school districts facing reductions in resources used to support truancy prevention…


Education Law Center Names New Policy Director

…in limiting out-of-school suspensions of young children and opposing ill-advised proposals to arm school personnel and will continue to push back against efforts to erode established civil rights protections of…


Historic Victory in Fight for Fair Funding!

On Feb. 7, 2023, Commonwealth Court Judge Renée Cohn Jubelirer issued a historic ruling in the Pennsylvania school funding case, declaring the PA school funding system unconstitutional.  “All witnesses agree that every child…


Pa. school funding case update

An episode of Smart Talk from WITF (Harrisburg) reviews the status of the school funding court case with guests Mallory Falk, WHYY Philadelphia education reporter; Brenda Marrero, executive director, Public…


DN Editorial: Sick of it all

And while the cause of death for a first-grader at Andrew Jackson School has not been determined, both cases demand that we take a hard look at the impact the…
