Every Student Every Day Response

on truancy at www.elc-pa.org/truancy. http://www.elc-pa.org/truancy 2 Youth (AEDY) program, which often results in further disengagement from school and dropout.2 Additionally, truancy is an entryway into the child welfare system for…


Addressing Attendance Barriers (‘Truancy’)

truancy process, attendance barriers, self-advocacy tools, and judges and their implementation of truancy laws. Addressing Attendance Barriers (‘Truancy’) & School Attendance — FAQs School Attendance and Truancy: Understanding the Basics…


McKeesport FINAL COMPLAINT 10 14

…room; in contrast, the District’s regular education classrooms are typically grouped by grade and instruction level. 25. The instructional program provided to C.K. in the Auberle-student classroom is more limited…


The ABCs of school-funding formulas

…Basic Education Funding Commission that former Gov. Tom Corbett created, would give districts predictable, transparent answers about how new money would be allocated. (A permanent provision known as “hold harmless”…



…only local school districts have the power to grant a charter to make a new charter school. Local school districts also decide whether to renew or revoke charters. 2 •…



Education Law Center elc-­‐pa.org Philadelphia | Pittsburgh February 2, 2014 The Hon. Lamar Alexander Chairman Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee U.S. Senate Washington, D.C. 20510 The Hon. Patty Murray…


Executive Summary

…academic standards and graduation requirements. Despite this constitutional mandate, hundreds of thousands of children—particularly children of color and children in poorer communities—are denied the school resources they need to be…


Graduation Requirements in Pennsylvania

Beginning with the graduating class of 2023, new statewide graduation requirements will apply to all public school students. As a result, every student must now satisfy one of several pathways…


2015 40A Early Sponsor Packet Final

…to ELC’s historic and current work. Most recently, our advocacy efforts have included: establishing fair residency rules for children in foster care or experiencing homelessness; ensuring the full inclusion of…
