18-08-03 Wolf Answer to Mootness Application

…Protection Clause. 4 After hearing argument, this Court overruled, without prejudice, the preliminary objections regarding the nature of the constitutional rights at issue and the level of scrutiny to be…


Suspension policy press release 6-21-18

…Commission today in its final meeting formally adopted an important change in the School District’s student conduct and discipline policy, extending the existing ban on out-of-school suspensions of kindergartners to…


budget release

February 6, 2018 Statement on Governor Wolf’s Budget Address Deborah Gordon Klehr, executive director of the Education Law Center, issued this statement following Governor Tom Wolf’s budget address today: “We…


Inclusive Schools and Honest Education

…their history and experiences.  Today, there are organized national and local efforts threatening to undermine public schools, dividing parents and communities. These groups are banning books, banning the teaching of…



…Youth, and the Public Interest Law Center filed an amicus brief today in support of the Tamaqua Education Association’s challenge to the Tamaqua Area School District’s new policy to arm…



…In March 2011, following their father family home, only for vacations. The 2 to keep the children in the same school district despite their living disruption in order to ensure…


Opinion: Fully and fairly fund our schools

…everyone agrees: Republicans, Democrats and educators in rural, urban, suburban and charter schools. The system does not provide sufficient resources to educate every student to academic standards, nor does it…


Action Item: Attorney Action Day for Education

…our schools. WHO: Leading Philadelphia Attorneys WHAT: Take Action on School Funding WHERE: Outside City Hall, North Broad Street entrance WHEN: Thursday, April 24, 11:45 a.m. RSVP today! http://www.eventbrite.com/e/lawyers-day-of-action-for-education-tickets-8171817125  …


Historic Victory in the Fight for Fair Funding!

On Feb. 7, Commonwealth Court Judge Renée Cohn Jubelirer issued her ruling in the Pennsylvania school funding case. The Education Law Center-PA and the Public Interest Law Center, who represent petitioners in the…
