Class project: The city schools’ conduct code is due for a rewrite

…Others are serious enough to refer to the legal system. But the Pittsburgh Public Schools’ Code of Student Conduct hardly seems to know the difference. Read the full story:…


Letter: It’s time Pa. gave schools their fair share

…a reality, the state must adopt a school-funding formula that ensures that individual school districts receive the resources they need to properly educate our children. Read the full story:…


About ELC

…local and state education policy and law. Support community organizations and grassroots advocates in their efforts to improve public education. Read more about the Education Law Center and our recent…


School funding lawsuit can proceed, judge rules

The landmark Pennsylvania education funding lawsuit filed by ELC and its partners can proceed, a Commonwealth Court judge ruled, as reported by Dale Mezzacappa of the Philadelphia Public School Notebook….


Editorial: New school year, old funding problem

…funding that led the William Penn School District and other districts, organizations and families to mount a court challenge to the constitutionality of Pennsylvania’s school funding system. Read more here….
