
…Opposition to Respondents’ Preliminary Objections Downplay or Misconstrue Binding Precedent………………………..2 B. The Pennsylvania Cases Upon Which Petitioners and Amici Rely For Their Argument That This Case Is Justiciable Are Inapposite……….5…



…than November 13, 2015. JA1304-1305 (student records); 1415 (Qasin’s Family Case File indicating clinic confirmed Qasin received vaccinations and records were provided to SDOL). Despite satisfying all of the prerequisites…


Ex. B to Complaint

…104.4. It is the companion to the case at ODR No. 15181-1314KE. Both hearing were heard together. The Parent, who speaks [a language other than English], alleges that the District…



…overcome the Pennsylvania Supreme Court’s textual interpretation by citing to pre-Marrero education cases, such as Wilkinsburg, Twer, and Teachers’ Tenure Act Cases, or to cases dealing with other Constitutional provisions,…


Petitioners’ Brief

…in the Executive Respondents’ original brief are inapposite. The distinguishing feature of those cases was that injunctive relief was sought as a means indirectly to obtain monetary relief, which is…



…If spending is a measure of social and economic value, no other governmental program – including national defense in many cases – is considered more valuable than exposing youth to…


Amici Brief: PCCY et al

…AND CASE LAW ACKNOWLEDGES THAT ADEQUATE EDUCATIONAL FUNDING IMPROVES OUTCOMES A. Academic Studies Show that Adequate School Funding Leads to Improved Academic Performance B. Courts Have Widely Recognized That Adequate…



…visited Aug. 20, 2013) ………….11 Green Woods Charter School, Admission of Students, http://greenwoodscharter.org/pdf/AdmissionofStudents.pdf (last visited Aug. 20, 2013) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………11 Jay G. Chambers, Total Expenditures for Students with Disabilities: Variation by…



…in regular education classrooms. 2. Improved communication: The need to improve communication among schools, districts, teachers, and parents. 3. Specialized service delivery: The need to provide very specialized support and…


Opposition To Mootness Application File Copy

…Penn State University, Labor Studies and Employment Relations, Adjunct Instructor, Labor Market Analysis (online course), Spring. 2009 Penn State University, Labor Studies and Employment Relations, Adjunct Instructor, Labor Market Analysis…


ELC Nicole B. Amicus

…e.g. Maura McInerney & Alex Dutton, ELC Steps Up to Protect the Rights of Bullied Students with Disabilities, The Legal Intelligencer (Dec. 26, 2017, 2:45 PM), https://www.law.com/thelegalintelligencer/sites/thelegalintelligencer/2017/12/26/elc-steps-up-to- protect-the-rights-of-bullied-students-with-disabilities/?slreturn=20180014222304. https://www.law.com/thelegalintelligencer/sites/thelegalintelligencer/2017/12/26/elc-steps-up-to-protect-the-rights-of-bullied-students-with-disabilities/?slreturn=20180014222304 https://www.law.com/thelegalintelligencer/sites/thelegalintelligencer/2017/12/26/elc-steps-up-to-protect-the-rights-of-bullied-students-with-disabilities/?slreturn=20180014222304…


Safeguarding Educational Equity Report Data

…Enrollment Translation Enrollment Website Code Due Process Manifestation Determination Truancy Policy Code Consequences Code Website Manifestation Determination Transparency Early Elementary Suspensions Certified Teachers Certified ESL Teachers Certified SPED Teachers Certified…


Glen Mills Complaint Exhibits – FINAL

…lnspeotlon(s) Incident On.Site Inspections Dates and Department Representatives On-Site 07/0312014: Daniels, Michael: Dietz, Andrew Off-Site tnapecdon Dates and Inspectors, If Appllcable Other Detalls Partial or Full Trlggera: Random Indicators: Child…


Turzai Brief

…TABLE OF AUTHORITIES PAGE(S) CASES Abbott by Abbott v. Burke, 575 A.2d 359 (N.J. 1990) ………………………………………………………………….. 24, 30 Andrews v. Com., Pennsylvania Bd. of Prob. & Parole, 510 A.2d 394…
