ELC Analysis of Senate School Code Bill

district is already under state control and over a third of students already attend charter schools, the legislation would place numerous schools under a different state operator, this time the…



Creation and Oversight of Charters: Charter schools should be authorized and monitored by local school districts and elected school boards which have the primary role in partnering with charter schools…



…xenophobic, and misogynistic rhetoric and incidents in schools. We assure our partners across the state that we will continue holding school districts to their legal obligations to maintain a school


Executive Summary

…successful in school and beyond. We have a broken school funding system that further entrenches inequities and fails to support Pennsylvania’s most vulnerable students. School districts in Pennsylvania are confronted…


Sheila Armstrong – Parent, Petitioner

The Education Law Center of Pennsylvania and the Public Interest Law Center of Philadelphia filed suit in Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court on November 10, 2014 on behalf of six school districts,…


What happened to Bache-Martin School?

…are among the incidents that have fueled concerns at Bache-Martin Elementary in Fairmount this year, and left parents asking: What has happened to our school? Read the full story  …
