Special Education Funding Commission Report

…with disabilities. The December 2013 report includes that testimony as well as recommendations for adopting a new formula for distributing state funding for special education. Read the full report: https://elc-pa.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/SpecialEducationFundingCommissionReport_12_11_13.pdf…


Community raises concerns over universal enrollment plan

…Philadelphia education community is far from sold on the advantages of a new enrollment system that’s being developed by the members of the Great Schools Compact. Read the full story:https://whyy.org/articles/community-raises-concerns-over-universal-enrollment-plan/…



…evolve as students get older and gain new experiences. Before You Begin: Assessments and Information-Gathering Checklist The more information you know about the student’s strengths, interests, and challenges before you…


Suspension policy press release 6-21-18

…through school despite the fact that Black and Latino students are no more likely to violate school rules than their White peers. “Out-of-school suspensions are developmentally inappropriate for our youngest…


Educational Decision Maker (EDM)Toolkit

…intended to help Pennsylvania CASA programs train new EDM volunteers and to provide an ongoing resource for EDMs as questions and challenges arise in their work. The Toolkit provides checklists,…



…you to propose $100 million in special education funding to be distributed through the special education formula in your budget proposal for FY 17-18. Pennsylvania school districts desperately need new
