
special education or supplementary aids or services.” Tlu·ough their words and actions detailed above, Franklin Towne Charter High School has communicated in no uncertain terms that, because of her disability,…



of Public Education Abstract 3 Introduction 4 Section I Efficacy of Public Education 6 Section II Education and Employment 9 Section III Education and Crime 13 Section IV Education and…


Your Rights Immigrant EL 8.2017

harassment can come in many forms and range from name-calling or making fun of you because of your religious beliefs to physical assault. The conduct can be verbal but may…


Your Rights Immigrant EL 8.2017

harassment can come in many forms and range from name-calling or making fun of you because of your religious beliefs to physical assault. The conduct can be verbal but may…



a website created off-campus. Because the site did not cause a substantial disruption, the de minimus accessing of the site from school did not provide grounds for discipline. On the…


2018 01 18 ELC Open Letter to New SDP Board Nominating Panel

http://thenotebook.org/articles/2017/12/12/parents-local-advocates-call-for-more-school-police-accountability-after-incident-at-solis-cohen-elementary-school http://thenotebook.org/latest0/2016/05/13/student-s-family-files-complaint-against-school-police-officer http://thenotebook.org/latest0/2016/05/13/student-s-family-files-complaint-against-school-police-officer http://www.justicepolicy.org/uploads/justicepolicy/documents/educationunderarrest_fullreport.pdf http://www.naacpldf.org/files/about-us/Bias_Reportv2017_30_11_FINAL.pdf https://www.publicintegrity.org/2015/04/10/17074/state-state-look-students-referred-law-enforcement http://thenotebook.org/articles/2017/07/27/complaint-district-fails-to-address-bullying-of-disabled-students https://www.elc-pa.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/Letter-Requesting-Ban-on-Suspensions-of-Elementary-Aged-Students.pdf https://www.elc-pa.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/Letter-Requesting-Ban-on-Suspensions-of-Elementary-Aged-Students.pdf 4 All District schools can make improvements to truly provide an affirming, supportive environment for transgender and gender non-conforming students that…


Education Justice Report

Basic Education Funding Formula. http://basiceducationfundingcommission.pasenategop.com/files/2014/08/Basic-Education- Funding-Commission-Final-Report-Factors-Page-2015.pdf Endnotes 17 Pennsylvania Basic Education Funding Commission. (2015). Report and Recommendations. http:// www.education.pa.gov/Documents/About%20PDE/Press/BASIC%20EDUCATION%20FUNDING%20 COMMISSION%20FINAL%20REPORT.pdf. 18 Pennsylvania Department of Education. (2016). 2016-2017 Enacted Summary of…


Education Justice Report_3.17.17_PRINTER

Education Funding Commission. (2015). Factors for a New Basic Education Funding Formula. http://basiceducationfundingcommission.pasenategop.com/files/2014/08/Basic-Education- Funding-Commission-Final-Report-Factors-Page-2015.pdf Endnotes 17 Pennsylvania Basic Education Funding Commission. (2015). Report and Recommendations. http:// www.education.pa.gov/Documents/About%20PDE/Press/BASIC%20EDUCATION%20FUNDING%20 COMMISSION%20FINAL%20REPORT.pdf. 18 Pennsylvania…


ELC Education Justice Report 2017 – Web

Basic Education Funding Formula. http://basiceducationfundingcommission.pasenategop.com/files/2014/08/Basic-Education- Funding-Commission-Final-Report-Factors-Page-2015.pdf Endnotes 17 Pennsylvania Basic Education Funding Commission. (2015). Report and Recommendations. http:// www.education.pa.gov/Documents/About%20PDE/Press/BASIC%20EDUCATION%20FUNDING%20 COMMISSION%20FINAL%20REPORT.pdf. 18 Pennsylvania Department of Education. (2016). 2016-2017 Enacted Summary of…


Philadelphia’s shift in discipline policy

discipline. In 2012, however, dissatisfaction with the results led to a tectonic shift in policy. The School District adopted a new discipline code that has more of a case-by-case, individualized…


Scarnati Brief

therefore moot. And, because none of the exceptions to the mootness doctrine apply here, the Court should grant Senator Scarnati’s December 27, 2017 application to dismiss this case as moot….



in the arts and physical education, (ii) programs for English-language learners, (iii) developmental services, (iv) handicap and other disability services and accommodations, and (v) special education. See, e.g., 22 PA….


Ex. A to Complaint

case was carefully reviewed in its entirety. In special education due process hearings, there is a world of difference between what is technically admissible and what is truly necessary to…


Amici Brief: PCCY et al

quality education. To that end, SEIU Local 32 BJ has made it a priority to advocate for adequate and equitable educational funding of public schools. In particular, SEIU Local 32…


Rights of ELLs March 172014 Revised

…or more civil rights laws. If harassment persists, you can file a formal complaint with U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights or U.S. Department of Justice’s Civil Rights…


18-08-03 Scarnati Response

approximately 9.9% 1 See Pennsylvania Department of Education, Education Budget (last visited August 2, 2018) https://www.education.pa.gov/Teachers%20- %20Administrators/School%20Finances/Education%20Budget/Pages/default.aspx (showing 2018-19 Enacted Basic Education Funding Budget); Pennsylvania Department of Education, Historical Subsidy…
