
the Commonwealth’s system for funding public education presents a nonjusticiable political question. The Pennsylvania Supreme Court has clearly and unequivocally held that “the General Assembly has satisfied [the constitutional mandate…


ELC analysis of HB 530 and SB 856-6-19-2015

balanced than in previous iterations. However, the purpose to “examine how charter school entity Support with Amendments http://thenotebook.org/december-2014/147977/state-needs-rational-fix-its-method-funding-charter-students-disabilities http://www.elc-pa.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/ELC_Testimony_Charters_LegislativeIntent_12_11_14.pdf http://www.elc-pa.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/ELC_CharterBillAnalysis_SB1085_10_29_13.pdf http://www.elc-pa.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/ELC_CharterBillAnalysis_SB1085_10_29_13.pdf finances affect opportunities … to establish and maintain schools…



Amendment issues discussed above – are perhaps the most important substantive constitutional limitations on school disciplinary action. (Of course, there are also procedural Due Process issues, which are discussed in…


Philadelphia’s shift in discipline policy

toward expelling more students for violent behavior. The numbers of out-of-school suspensions and students expelled to disciplinary schools soared. Stories surfaced of students suspended or expelled for seemingly minor infractions….



office is often empty (September 18, 2013) available at http://www.newsworks.org/index.php/local/education/59927-in-philly-when-students-with-dreams-or- traumas-seek-counseling-the-office-is-often-empty http://new.every1graduates.org/new-york-city-finds-success-in-cutting-chronic-absenteeism-in-school/ http://new.every1graduates.org/new-york-city-finds-success-in-cutting-chronic-absenteeism-in-school/ http://www.newsworks.org/index.php/local/education/59927-in-philly-when-students-with-dreams-or-traumas-seek-counseling-the-office-is-often-empty http://www.newsworks.org/index.php/local/education/59927-in-philly-when-students-with-dreams-or-traumas-seek-counseling-the-office-is-often-empty 14 support student success. When this happens, we see reductions in truancy, increases in on-time…


18-1-25 Bd of Ed in Support of POs

of Education respectfully requests that this Honorable Court sustain Executive Respondents’ preliminary objections and dismiss the petition for review. Respectfully submitted, /s/ Thomas A. Blackburn Thomas A. Blackburn Supreme Court…


Derrick F Decision and Order

the court to address any issues that remain unresolved in the captioned case. s/Sylvia H. Rambo SYLVIA H. RAMBO United States District Judge Dated: September 1, 2006. Case 1:06-cv-01463-SHR Document…


COVID-19 Response (2020-2021)

Closures & Students in Foster Care COVID-19 School Closures & Students Experiencing Homelessness COVID-19 School Closures & English Learners (English) Arabic translation ( لعربية ) Mandarin translation (汉语) Nepali translation…


18-09-21 Turzai Opposition to Scheduling Conference

cases several decades, to resolve because of the incredibly difficult constitutional issues presented by such cases, including those relating to the critical issue of separation of powers. The respondents, including…


1-4-19 Special Education Funding Letter to Governor (Final)

a few hours of education each week. https://www.senatorbrowne.com/special-education-funding-commission/ https://www.senatorbrowne.com/special-education-funding-commission-gallery/ http://www.senatorbrowne.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/37/2015/05/Special-Education-Funding-Commission-Report-121113.pdf Shortchanging Students with Disabilities: State Underfunding of Special Education in PA| 2018 2 billion.8 Local districts had to allocate funds…


Roy Austin Sept Follow Up Letter SROs September 2016 FINAL for distribution fnl

2 http://www2.ed.gov/policy/gen/guid/school-discipline/files/dcl-summary-for-stakeholders.pdf 3 U.S. Department of Education Press Release, September 8, 2016 available at http://www.ed.gov/news/press- releases/obama-administration-releases-resources-schools-colleges-ensure-appropriate-use-school-resource- officers-and-campus-police 2 The field needs a more forceful message. For a number of reasons,…


Scarnati Brief

Board’s web site. See Augenblick, Palaich and Associates, Inc., Costing Out the Resources Needed to Meet Pennsylvania’s Public Education Goals, Revised (December 2007), available at http://www.stateboard.education.pa.gov/Reports/Costing-Out/Pages/default.aspx. -5- percentage of students…


18-08-03 Scarnati Response

approximately 9.9% 1 See Pennsylvania Department of Education, Education Budget (last visited August 2, 2018) https://www.education.pa.gov/Teachers%20- %20Administrators/School%20Finances/Education%20Budget/Pages/default.aspx (showing 2018-19 Enacted Basic Education Funding Budget); Pennsylvania Department of Education, Historical Subsidy…



http://www.pattan.net/category/Legal/Forms/ • PDE Basic Education Circulars (helpful summaries of legal requirements with respect to various education issues): http://www.portal.state.pa.us/portal/server.pt/community/basi c_education_circulars/7497 • Education Law Center: www.elc-pa.org, 215-238-6970 • Disability Rights Network: http://drnpa.org/,…
