
…Court has original jurisdiction pursuant to 42 Pa.C.S. § 761(a). 2 QUESTIONS PRESENTED 1. Whether the petition for review presents non-justiciable political questions which the Pennsylvania Constitution commits to the…


COVID-19 Response (2020-2021)

…with the adoption of the American Rescue Plan in March 2021. Meanwhile, as school resumed in September, ELC prepared an equity checklist to help ensure that all students and families…


ELC analysis of HB 530 and SB 856-6-19-2015

…be more explicit and should clarify that charters need to post their capacity and current space available on their website. Support   § 17-1723- A(a)(3) Requires that a standard…



…for all school districts, rather than using selective political influences and favors for some districts? (The most common forms of non-objective funding include hold-harmless spending, minimum increases, multiple formulas aimed



so obvious that it is assumed. In Hamilton, for example, the state Supreme Court clearly assumed that, in order to uphold the expulsion, it was necessary to find that the…



…11111 when she visited the school, asked a number of questions including whether the enrolling student had ever been suspended or expelled, required medication or had an IEP. Ms …….


GS Filed AMICUS Brief 2018

of Federal Rule of Appellate Procedure 32(a)(6) because it has been prepared in a proportionally spaced typeface using Microsoft Word in 14-point Times New Roman font. Electronic Filing. I prepared…


2018 National School Walkout Fact Sheet

…GET IN TROUBLE FOR WALKING OUT? Maybe. As the Supreme Court said, students do not “shed their constitutional rights to freedom of speech or expression at the schoolhouse gate.” But,…


Ex. B to Complaint

dispute. 1. “Interpretation” describes the act of restating spoken language in a different language. Interpretation can either be simultaneous (in which the interpreter restates the communication as it is said)…



…on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning http://csefel.vanderbilt.edu/resources/state_planning.html 16 http://www.promoteprevent.org/sites/www.promoteprevent.org/files/resources/California_Action_Steps_May_2011.pdf http://www.promoteprevent.org/sites/www.promoteprevent.org/files/resources/California_Action_Steps_May_2011.pdf http://www.promoteprevent.org/sites/www.promoteprevent.org/files/resources/California_Action_Steps_May_2011.pdf http://www.promoteprevent.org/sites/www.promoteprevent.org/files/resources/California_Action_Steps_May_2011.pdf http://www.aucd.org/template/index.cfm http://www.ecmhc.org/ http://www.ecmhc.org/ http://csefel.vanderbilt.edu/documents/rs_ecmhc.pdf http://csefel.vanderbilt.edu/documents/rs_ecmhc.pdf http://gucchd.georgetown.edu/67637.html http://gucchd.georgetown.edu/67637.html http://gucchd.georgetown.edu/67637.html http://gucchd.georgetown.edu/67637.html http://www.nccrest.org/ http://www.nccrest.org/ http://supportiveschooldiscipline.org/learn/reference-guides/positive-behavioral-interventions-and-supports-pbis http://supportiveschooldiscipline.org/learn/reference-guides/positive-behavioral-interventions-and-supports-pbis http://supportiveschooldiscipline.org/learn/reference-guides/positive-behavioral-interventions-and-supports-pbis http://supportiveschooldiscipline.org/learn/reference-guides/positive-behavioral-interventions-and-supports-pbis…


ELC memo to DOJ 8-31-2015

…Education, PDE, School District Data at a Glance, http://penndata.hbg.psu.edu/BSEReports/DataPreview.aspx# (click “Data at a Glance State Report” and select the corresponding years). These figures represent racial demographics for all grades. 2…


ELC Education Justice Report 2017 – Web

…each actual student can be greater or less than this average.65 For many years, Pennsylvania distributed state special education dollars to school districts according to a “census-based” approach which “presumed”…
