Education Justice Report_3.17.17_PRINTER

…crucial for improving opportunities and outcomes for children—particularly children of color and children who come from poorer families and attend schools in poorer communities. As school funding expert Bruce Baker…


Education Justice Report

…receive specialized instruction and supports to overcome language barriers and learn English, including receiving direct bilingual or English as a Second Language instruction, and modifications to instruction and testing in…


ELC Education Justice Report 2017 – Web

…receive specialized instruction and supports to overcome language barriers and learn English, including receiving direct bilingual or English as a Second Language instruction, and modifications to instruction and testing in…


Memorandum Opinion (11-30-2016)

…of review used when “considering a motion to dismiss under Rule 12(b)(6), i.e., construing the alleged facts in favor of the nonmoving party.” Aichele, 757 F.3d at 358. To survive…


School funding lawsuit can proceed, judge rules

The landmark Pennsylvania education funding lawsuit filed by ELC and its partners can proceed, a Commonwealth Court judge ruled, as reported by Dale Mezzacappa of the Philadelphia Public School Notebook….


ELC Comments re Flores Agreement Nov. 2018pdf

1 Response to Request for Public Comments on Proposed Rule DHS Docket No. ICEB-2018-0002 Submitted By Education Law Center-PA November 6, 2018 Debbie Seguin, Assistant Director Office of Policy, U.S….


Expulsions in Pennsylvania

create rules, they must follow their own rules. Thus, a school can only expel a student for a violation of a school rule if the school has officially adopted and…


18-1-25 Bd of Ed in Support of POs

…AND STANDARD OF REVIEW In ruling upon preliminary objections, the Court must accept as true all well- pleaded material allegations in the petition for review, as well as all inferences…



…oF leArning: the Forum For educAtion & democrAcY’s recommendAtions For the reAuthoriZAtion oF eseA (2010), available at http:// on_ESEA.pdf; BroAder Bolder APProAch to educAtion, school AccountABilitY: A BroAder, Bolder…


18-08-14 Answer to Scarnati App for Relief

…of seeking partial summary relief on the nature of the constitutional right underlying Petitioners’ equal protection claim and the corresponding level of judicial scrutiny (May 7 Order at 1), any…


18-08-03 Scarnati Response

…it overruled “without prejudice, preliminary objections concerning the nature of the constitutional rights at issue and the corresponding level of judicial scrutiny to be applied.” It also deferred ruling on…


Application for Relief

…: Docket No. 587 M.D. 2014 APPLICATION FOR DECISION OF THE APPLICATION IN THE NATURE OF A MOTION TO DISMISS FOR MOOTNESS Pursuant to Pennsylvania Rule of Appellate Procedure 123…
