18-08-03 Scarnati Response

approximately 9.9% 1 See Pennsylvania Department of Education, Education Budget (last visited August 2, 2018) https://www.education.pa.gov/Teachers%20- %20Administrators/School%20Finances/Education%20Budget/Pages/default.aspx (showing 2018-19 Enacted Basic Education Funding Budget); Pennsylvania Department of Education, Historical Subsidy…


18-09-19 Scarnati Answer and New Matter

v. Pennsylvania Department of Education; Joseph B. Scarnati III, in his official capacity as President Pro-Tempore of the Pennsylvania Senate; Michael C. Turzai, in his official capacity as the Speaker…


Governor Brief

a nonjusticiable political question; (2) Petitioners failed to state a claim under the Education Clause because the funding system served the rational basis of preserving local control over public education;…



…2012 TaiMarie Adams, Co-Director, Education Policy Public Citizens for Children and Youth Philadelphia Brian Armstead, Director of Civic Engagement Philadelphia Education Fund Philadelphia Carol Bangura, CEO African Ctr. for Education…


McKeesport FINAL COMPLAINT 10 14

fewer educational and social opportunities. For example, they are educated in multi-grade classrooms, receive fewer instructional hours, have no access to vocational education, Advanced Placement courses, libraries or laboratories and…



of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Revenues and Expenditures for Public Elementary and Secondary Education: School Year 2009-2010 (Fiscal Year 2010), Table 1. 2012. Available at http://nces.ed.gov/pubs2013/2013305.pdf. 2 Education…


Back-to-School Guide 2022

Parents and Advocates on the Right to Special Education in Pennsylvania Special Education Evaluations Resolving Special Education Disagreements Your Child’s Right to Compensatory Education (NEW!) Self-Advocacy Tool: Request for Evaluation…



American students referred to AEDY programs statewide shows that state and local AEDY referral policies have had a disparate impact on African American students. The statewide percentage of African American…



American students referred to AEDY programs statewide shows that state and local AEDY referral policies have had a disparate impact on African American students. The statewide percentage of African American…


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…definition section of the Act defines “educational agency” as “a local educational agency or a ‘State educational agency’ as defined by section 801(k) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act…



…resided. While these cases do not specifically include this factor in the residency analysis, they generally compared the parents’ physical presence at one location to their physical presence at the…
