
…what the other exclusionary discipline numbers (i.e. suspensions and expulsions) look like in these districts. Of course, if the decline in AEDY enrollment is attributable to using new, positive, prevention…


November 2018 City Council School Board Hearing Testimony

…improve educational outcomes for pregnant and parenting students which were developed as a result of a multi-year project focused on this vulnerable student cohort. mailto:[email protected] https://www.phila.gov/departments/department-of-public-health/ https://www.hhs.gov/ash/oah/sites/default/files/tpp-ss-phmc-2018.pdf http://www.philaedfund.org/sites/default/files/Pregnant%20and%20Parenting%20Teens%20in%20Philadelphia–%20Academic%20and%20Social%20Outcomes.pdf http://www.philaedfund.org/sites/default/files/Pregnant%20and%20Parenting%20Teens%20in%20Philadelphia–%20Academic%20and%20Social%20Outcomes.pdf http://articles.philly.com/2012-08-30/news/33477284_1_teen-mothers-teen-pregnancy-rate-teen-births…



…Stat. Ann. § 7-740 (West) prevents schools from allowing transgender students to use the facilities with which they identify; (2) the presence of a transgender person in a sex-segregated space


Charter School Equity Pledge – ELC Jan 2016

…immunizations, and completion of an Act 26 statement). – Ensure application materials are available to families, both in our main office and on the front page of our school’s website,…


SDAS – Charter Schools and ELC

…control over student enrollment:  Enrollment barriers  Many do not “backfill” (Stop enrolling students after particular times of the year, even when space is available).  That many “counsel…



…at 440 N. Broad Street Space is limited. Please Note: Completing and submitting an application does not guarantee enrollment Translated versions of this document will be available at: www.philasd.org/translation Enrollment…


The Rights of Students Experiencing Homelessness

…homelessness. This fact sheet provides detailed information and resources for youth experiencing homelessness regarding their education rights under federal and state law. A sample McKinney-Vento complaint form is provided.  …


Donovan K – OCYF cover letter, bulletin and announcement

…selected from the PaTTAN website under Early Intervention. http://www.pattan.net/Publications.aspx?ContentLocation=/teachlead/EarlyIntervention.aspx . Children Who Are “Wards of the State” The term “ward of the state” under IDEA means a child in the…



…as concerned/stressed that children will not receive care. 39 percent reported that families are trying to transfer their children into schools where a school nurse is present and on-site. 46…
