ELC memo to DOJ 8-31-2015

for all grades. http://www.post-gazette.com/news/education/2015/07/05/System-breakdown-leaves-student-trapped-in-alternative-program/stories/201506300258?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_content=editors-picks-news&utm_campaign=Headlines-Newsletter 3 likely adverse disparate impact on students of color and students with disabilities. We would consider it a significant missed opportunity if the result of DOJ’s…


ESSA Vulnerable Students Feb 24 2016FINAL

on technology. 12 English-Language Learners • Accountability moves from Title III (English-language acquisition section of ESEA) to Title I (accountability). Accountability measures highlight progress of ELL students as greater priority….


PA Education Budget: Funding for a Few

…five school districts received additional funding based on the “English Language Learner Supplement” in the current budget, yet 412 other school districts in the state have students learning English. “It’s…


Glen Mills Class Action Press Release

…on his education. After years of struggling in school, Walter was making progress with full-time special education instruction and counseling as a related service due to his emotional dis-regulation and…


Supreme Court – Brief of Appellant e-filed

…be reconciled with Danson, there is no basis to apply the political-question doctrine here. That doctrine is a narrow exception to the general rule that Pennsylvania’s constitution “should be construed,…


Ex. C to Complaint

…parent or student must exhaust the IDEA’s administrative procedures before brining an ADA civil action. 20 U.S.C. § 1415(l) provides: Rule of Construction Nothing in this chapter shall be construed…


COVID-19 School Closures & English Learners

COVID-19 school closures have had an impact on English learners. ELC compiled this resource of 5 important things for English learners and their families to know. Please note — this…



…in your care as a potential class member for future communication, contact: Jennifer Fox Rabold, Settlement Administrator Phone: 800.543.8921.or Email: [email protected]. or by letter to: McKeesport Settlement c/o Jennifer Fox


Amici Brief: PCCY et al

…positive effects on student outcomes.” See Bruce D. Baker, Revisiting the Age-Old Question: Does Money Matter in Education?, The Albert Shanker Inst. 14 (2012) (emphasis added). Decades of research on…
