
…inclusive and comprehensive community-­‐based transition services for all students with disabilities. The District appointed half of the working group members and selected personnel with expertise in vocational education and transition…


ELC Analysis Youth Voices Count 2017 FINAL

…to homelessness. Nationally, 25% of unaccompanied youth reported prior familial homelessness, and one-third had faced the death of a https://www.glsen.org/sites/default/files/2015%20National%20GLSEN%202015%20National%20School%20Climate%20Survey%20%28NSCS%29%20-%20Full%20Report_0.pdf https://www.glsen.org/sites/default/files/2015%20National%20GLSEN%202015%20National%20School%20Climate%20Survey%20%28NSCS%29%20-%20Full%20Report_0.pdf Voices of Youth Count: Missed Educational Opportunities 2 caregiver…


COVID-19 Response (2020-2021)

…rigorous guidance for schools, requiring schools to provide educational services to all children — including individualized programs to meet the needs of students with disabilities and appropriate supports for English…


November 2018 City Council School Board Hearing Testimony

Services, Office of Adolescence Health, Teen Pregnancy Prevention Programs, Successful Strategies available at https://www.hhs.gov/ash/oah/sites/default/files/tpp-ss-phmc-2018.pdf. 3 “Pregnant and Parenting Teens in Philadelphia – Academic and Social Outcomes” February 2010 at http://www.philaedfund.org/sites/default/files/Pregnant%20and%20Parenting%20Teens%20in%20Philadelphia–…
