
…and the YY Rider. Elwyn is reminded that the Master Agreement termination provision allows the department to terminate the contract for continuing noncompliance. 1. Elwyn has identified all children since…


CFEF summary_public_042315

…every school have a fair shot at academic success. Research on school finance reform in other states found that sustained, long-term increases in per-pupil spending led to increases in educational…


18-09-19 Turzai Answer and New Matter

…not create a right in any individual student or school district to a uniform education. Thus, the General Assembly has fulfilled its constitutional duties by establishing a system of free



…Opposition to Respondents’ Preliminary Objections Downplay or Misconstrue Binding Precedent………………………..2 B. The Pennsylvania Cases Upon Which Petitioners and Amici Rely For Their Argument That This Case Is Justiciable Are Inapposite……….5…


Ex. C to Complaint

…a real-world impact upon the parties, and it is not proper for me to make such a determination absent jurisdiction to do so. ODR Nos. 15166-1314KE & 15181-1314KE Page �…


Letter: “Before reform, fund properly”

…areas. We also know that these reforms do not come free of additional cost. As we await solid findings, we are beginning to see some political pushback against turnaround models…


Your Rights Safe in School 8.2017

Education Law Center | www.elc-pa.org | facebook.com/educationlawcenter | @edlawcenterpa KNOW YOUR RIGHTS MARCH 2017 Your Right To Be Free From Harassment And Bullying • You have the right to be…


18-09-19 Wolf Answer and New Matter

…2010 Census, The School District of Lancaster served an estimated population of 74,885. In the 2013-14 school year, 80.91% of students 6 received either a free or reduced -price lunch….



…with disabilities; • what information is provided to students and their families about their right to be free from discrimination and specifically the rights and remedies available to children with…


Your Rights Safe in School 8.2017

Education Law Center | www.elc-pa.org | facebook.com/educationlawcenter | @edlawcenterpa KNOW YOUR RIGHTS MARCH 2017 Your Right To Be Free From Harassment And Bullying • You have the right to be…



…A child cannot be disciplined due to a disability. Rights in Discipline Process  The child has a right to a manifestation determination review to determine if the conduct in…
