
…“school books are shared between classes, and P.M.H. is not able to bring home books to study or do homework. The books are old and outdated… The facilities at the…



…“have more money to spend on the necessities.”1 1 Legislative Respondents’ Preliminary Objections to Petition, Dec. 10, 2014 (“Legis. Objs.”), at 22. Unless otherwise noted, this Brief omits all internal…


Scarnati Brief

…certain types of allegations that are absent from that pleading. Petitioners are five school districts (“Petitioner Districts”), the parents of six children (“Petitioner Students”) who attended Pennsylvania public schools when…



…years. Our analysis confirmed that the problems described in our 2010 report persisted. We also noted that, while the data indicated a decline in the number of students sent to…


ELC memo to DOJ 8-31-2015

…years. Our analysis confirmed that the problems described in our 2010 report persisted. We also noted that, while the data indicated a decline in the number of students sent to…


November 2018 City Council School Board Hearing Testimony

…improve educational outcomes for pregnant and parenting students which were developed as a result of a multi-year project focused on this vulnerable student cohort. mailto:[email protected] https://www.phila.gov/departments/department-of-public-health/ https://www.hhs.gov/ash/oah/sites/default/files/tpp-ss-phmc-2018.pdf http://www.philaedfund.org/sites/default/files/Pregnant%20and%20Parenting%20Teens%20in%20Philadelphia–%20Academic%20and%20Social%20Outcomes.pdf http://www.philaedfund.org/sites/default/files/Pregnant%20and%20Parenting%20Teens%20in%20Philadelphia–%20Academic%20and%20Social%20Outcomes.pdf http://articles.philly.com/2012-08-30/news/33477284_1_teen-mothers-teen-pregnancy-rate-teen-births…


Enrollment Know Your Rights 2015

If a child is experiencing homelessness, the child has a right to enroll in school immediately and to remain in the same school she attended prior to becoming homeless and…


Your Rights as LGBTGNC student 8.2017

…Discrimination Based on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity MARCH 2017 Education Law Center | www.elc-pa.org | facebook.com/educationlawcenter | @edlawcenterpa ENDNOTES 1 See Equal Protection Clause of Fourteenth Amendment of U.S….


Your Rights as LGBTGNC student 8.2017

…Discrimination Based on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity MARCH 2017 Education Law Center | www.elc-pa.org | facebook.com/educationlawcenter | @edlawcenterpa ENDNOTES 1 See Equal Protection Clause of Fourteenth Amendment of U.S….


ELC Public Testimony PPS 02-20-2017

…the parents, students and community members with whom we work, thank you for the opportunity to provide testimony tonight. The Education Law Center is a non-profit, legal advocacy organization dedicated…


Your Rights Religous Freedom 8.2017

…district superintendent, charter school chief executive officer or vocational school director. • Parents, guardians or emancipated minors will also be invited to review the test, during school hours, two weeks…


18-09-19 Wolf Answer and New Matter

…olds statewide are served in publicly -funded quality early care and education settings that include Parent -Child Home Program, Parents as Teachers, Head Start State and Federal, Pennsylvania Pre -Kindergarten…
