2019 J.L. amicus – residential placement based purely on truancy

iv EDUCATIONAL SUCCESS & TRUANCY PREVENTION WORKGROUP, 2013 REPORT TO THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE ROUNDTABLE: EDUCATIONAL SUCCESS & TRUANCY PREVENTION 5-6 (2013), http://www.ocfcpacourts.us/assets/upload/Resources/Documents/2 013%20State%20RT%20report%20on%20Educational%20Succes s%20and%20Truancy%20Prevention(8).pdf ……………………………………….. 20, 21 The Family First…


2019 03 14 ELC Testimony to SDP Board Committee re English Learners

http://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/docs/dcl-factsheet-el-students-201501.pdf http://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/docs/dcl-factsheet-el-students-201501.pdf https://www.education.pa.gov/Documents/Codes%20and%20Regulations/Basic%20Education%20Circulars/PA%20Code/Educating%20English%20Learners%20(EL).pdf https://www.education.pa.gov/Documents/Codes%20and%20Regulations/Basic%20Education%20Circulars/PA%20Code/Educating%20English%20Learners%20(EL).pdf Educational Needs of English Learners in the School District of Philadelphia 4 Education Law Center – March 14, 2019 education services. An evaluation for an EL…


ELC Decries Department Delay of Regulation to Prevent Racial Disproportionality in Special Education7218

compliance with its continuing legal obligations so that children of color with disabilities receive the education to which they are entitled and the quality education they deserve. https://s3.amazonaws.com/public-inspection.federalregister.gov/2018-14374.pdf?utm_content=&utm_medium=email&utm_name=&utm_source=govdelivery&utm_term= https://www.gao.gov/products/GAO-13-137 https://www.gao.gov/products/GAO-13-137…



of parents, students, and community members across Pennsylvania to ask for your support to address the critical educational needs of students with disabilities. We strongly urge you to support at…


ELC_Fact Sheet_Ed_DecisionMakers_4_15_14

Homeless Education website at http://www.serve.org/nche/. http://www.nlchp.org/content/pubs/McKinney%20Vento%202001%20Law%20Into%20Practice%20UnaccompaniedYouth2.pdf http://www.nlchp.org/content/pubs/McKinney%20Vento%202001%20Law%20Into%20Practice%20UnaccompaniedYouth2.pdf http://www.serve.org/nche/ – 6 – Who Can Be a Surrogate Parent? Whenever possible, a surrogate parent should be someone who already knows and has…


ELC Public Comments to USCCR on School Discipline FINAL (1-16-18)

is available at https://www2.ed.gov/policy/gen/guid/school- discipline/fedefforts.html#guidance. https://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/letters/colleague-201401-title-vi.html https://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/letters/colleague-201401-title-vi.html https://www2.ed.gov/policy/gen/guid/school-discipline/fedefforts.html#guidance https://www2.ed.gov/policy/gen/guid/school-discipline/fedefforts.html#guidance individualized education supports. The result is the excessive punishment of students of color, especially those who have disabilities. The Guidance contributes…



in the foster care and juvenile justice systems, children with disabilities, English learners, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and/or queer (LGBTQ) students, and children experiencing homelessness. We are responding to allegations…



1, 2016 and not be age-eligible for kindergarten. Families must meet Head Start or Pre-K Counts income guidelines. Children and parents/legal guardians must be residents of Philadelphia PA. http://www.philasd.org/prek http://www.philasd.org/translation…


SDAS – Charter Schools and ELC

about “boys?” What do we know about “system involved” students? (see Chop PolicyLab report) http://policylab.chop.edu/sites/default/files/pdf/publications/PolicyLab_Report_Supporting_Students_Involved_with_Child_Welfare_June_2014.pdf What do we know about suspensions? What do we know about expulsions? What do we…


Donovan K – OCYF cover letter, bulletin and announcement

families. A list of resources (Homeless Assistance Program Overview, Continuum of Services Flow Chart, and Homeless Assistance Program Client Eligibility information) can be found on the DPW website at: http://www.dpw.state.pa.us/ServicesPrograms/Other/HomeAssist/003671178.htm….


En Español

servicios ofrece el Centro? Ofrecemos muchas publicaciones sobre los derechos de los estudiantes dentro del sistema de educación pública y sobre cómo resolver varios tipos de problemas. Puede llamarnos para…


Derrick et al. v. Glen Mills Schools et al.

The abuse had a particularly dire impact on Black youth – disproportionately sent to Glen Mills – as well as students with special education needs and disabilities, whose educational rights…
