Ex. B to Complaint

…2011 through sometime shortly prior to November 5, 2012, the Student moved back to the [other country]. The Student did not attend school while in the [other country]. November 2012…


Ex. A to Complaint

…concerning the provision of FAPE to the Student. The Parent also alleges that the District failed to implement an IEP that carried over from the Student’s prior charter school enrollment,…


May 14 Call to Action Day

Participating is as easy as 1, 2, 3! 1. Click HERE or Google “Find Your Legislator PA” to look up your legislators’ contact info. Write their info below: Representative: Senator:…


DN Editorial: Sick of it all

…And while the cause of death for a first-grader at Andrew Jackson School has not been determined, both cases demand that we take a hard look at the impact the…


AEDY settlement agreement release 3-26-19 final

…annual training requirements. And notably, the agreement forbids the placement of students with disabilities or English learners in “unapproved” alternative disciplinary programs. “We look forward to working with the Pennsylvania…


ELC Public Testimony PPS 02-20-2017

…environment, especially at critical developmental stages. It’s little surprise that we continue to struggle to close the racial achievement gap when we look at how frequently young students of color…


Your Rights as LGBTGNC student 8.2017

…Do If Your Rights Are Violated • Look up your school policy. How is it supposed to be applied? Is it being applied differently in your case? • Keep detailed…
