Resources: Student Rights

Student Rights

Fair School Funding

Student Rights

Equal Access

  • Students in hospital programs, including partial hospitalization programs (PHPs), inpatient hospitalization programs, and day treatment programs maintain their right to a free public education.

    Learn more about student rights in hospitals here.

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  • Children who qualify for early intervention services should not experience gaps in the educational services they are entitled to receive under federal and state law as they transition through programs: Infant and Toddler Early Intervention, Preschool Early Intervention, and school-age programs.

    This fact sheet provides information on how parents can make sure their young children get the services they need when transitioning into different educational programs.

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  • Students who are pregnant and parenting deserve the opportunity to complete their education free from bias and discrimination and in a learning environment that is supportive and affirming.

    This fact sheet explains the rights of pregnant or parenting students and identifies how to seek help if your rights are violated.

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  • If your child with a disability has been denied needed educational services required by law, your student is entitled to make-up educational services, or compensatory education.

    Compensatory education is meant to put a student in the same position they would be in if the school had provided appropriate special education and supports in the first place. Because of that, compensatory education is highly individualized and broadly flexible to the needs of your student.

    To learn more about how to receive compensatory education for your child, click here.

    Please note – this document is available in Spanish.

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  • Attempts to ban books are on the rise nationally, and Pennsylvania is no exception. This worrisome trend is already negatively impacting Pennsylvania students, who have less access to the diverse viewpoints and ideas expressed in the books being banned.

    While school districts have the power to select and, in some cases, remove books from public schools, there are important limitations on a school board’s ability to ban books. There are also actions that students, parents, and community members can take to fight back against these harmful policies.

    Learn more about these actions here.


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  • School boards play a pivotal role in shaping the education that public school students receive.

    School boards are accountable to the residents of the district they serve and who elected them. This means they have a responsibility to keep the community informed and must make their decisions using input from the public and members of the school community.

    Learn more about school boards and how to make your voice heard at school board meetings here.

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  • Discrimination against LGBTQ people is illegal. Courts have increasingly recognized the rights of students who identify as gay or transgender, as well as students who are nonbinary or gender-nonconforming (sometimes referred to as “gender-expansive”). Students who are LGBTQ or gender-expansive have the same rights as other students, and schools are required to intervene and correct policies or practices that discriminate against students based on sexual orientation or gender identity or expression.

    You can learn more here.

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  • It is estimated that children in foster care change living placements on average two to three times while in care, and a third of older youth experience five or more school changes. Children lose four to six months of academic progress with each school change. Too often, credits earned at one school do not transfer or are not recognized towards graduation. These students are more likely to miss
    school, be placed in inappropriate classes, and fail to receive the special education and remedial services they need, due in part to the absence of a consistent and involved educational decisionmaker.

    To address these issues, the federal Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) ensures school stability and immediate enrollment for all children in foster care. This fact sheet explains the important protections under this law and how these requirements are implemented in Pennsylvania.

    Learn more here.

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  • The First Amendment protects the rights of students to express themselves in public schools. Students are entitled to speak out, write articles, form groups, hand out flyers, and petition school officials. There are some important limits, however. Schools can prohibit certain forms of expression, including speech that substantially disrupts the school environment, violates the rights of others, or is lewd or vulgar.

    Learn more here about what rights to free speech and expression students have in school.

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Student Rights

School to Prison Pipeline

  • Children involved in the foster care system have the right to a free public education, like all public school students. These rights are not lost because of system involvement, and additional protections are in place to ensure access to a quality public education. Children and youth in the foster care system may need strong advocates because they are among the most educationally underserved of all student populations. As a result of multiple school changes and placement in on-grounds schools, students who are system-involved often fall through the cracks.

    This fact sheet highlights important protections and addresses ways to support students to be successful.

    To learn more, click here.

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