On January 19, 2018, ELC joined 23 other organizations, including teachers, other school workers, school administrators, school boards, advocates, faith-based organizations, and non-partisan civic organizations such as the League of Women Voters, to oppose PA Senate Bill 2. The Bill is a school voucher proposal masquerading as an Education Savings Account program. The Bill is a direct attack on public education itself, because it would divert tax dollars to private and religious schools that have no accountability to the public and no obligation to provide (for example) special education, other services to children with disabilities, or services to English Language Learners. Read the letter here and please call your PA Senator to help protect public education in Pennsylvania by urging him or her to oppose this regressive proposal.
Education Law Center opposes stealth voucher bill in PA legislature.
The Education Law Center joined with partners from across the Commonwealth to oppose HB 1717, “education savings account” legislation, an ill-conceived voucher program that would allow state dollars to fund private schools that discriminate against children with disabilities and others.
Read our September 2017 Memo to the House Education Committee.